Browsing All Posts published on »June, 2010«

Leadership – 5 Proactive Steps to Becoming a More Effective Leader

June 28, 2010


Your effectiveness as a leader significantly impacts on the results that you deliver. The results that you deliver not only impacts on the success you deliver for your organisation or team but also the personal success you achieve. So what proactive things can you do to become a more effective leader? Step 1: Do a […]

Making Meetings Work for You

June 21, 2010


Do you find yourself groaning at the thought of the next meeting? When you are at a meeting, have you ever wished so much that it’ll be done quickly? As Patrick Lencioni, author of The Five Dysfunctions of a Team and Death by Meeting puts it, a meeting is much more relevant and important than […]

Good to Great by Jim Collins

June 18, 2010


Explore what goes into a company’s transformation from mediocre to excellent. Based on hard evidence and volumes of data, the book author (Jim Collins) and his team uncover timeless principles on how the good-to-great companies like Abbott, Circuit City, Fannie Mae, Gillette, Kimberly-Clark, Kroger, Nucor, Philip Morris, Pitney Bowes, Walgreens, and Wells Fargo produced sustained great results and achieved enduring greatness, evolving […]

Resting on our Laurels

June 14, 2010


Sometimes, in our journey as a leader or manager, we may have achieved tremendous success. It may have been the completion of a big project, or the achievement of a certain milestone. Either way, it may have somehow caused us to become complacent. Rather than doing what have brought us to success, we choose to […]

Gandhi – The Power of Influence

June 11, 2010


‘He Ram’, the old man gasped, as his life ebbed from his body. A dull silence settled in the room, as the old man’s spirit fled, his life taken by an assassins’ bullet. ‘He Ram’ translated from the Hindu language, meant ‘Oh God’. Thus, Mahatma Gandhi, who had watched his nation unfold, had become a […]

Fire Fighting

June 7, 2010


I have often been asked, “How will I know when I’m not proactive enough?” Indeed, this seems to be a common question among leaders and managers. “How much is enough?” “Is there ever an end to it?” “Where is the line to stop?” In this leadership lesson, we shall explore the rule of thumb to […]

Improve Yourself by Going Outside Your Comfort Zone

June 4, 2010


Improve yourself by going outside your comfort zone Your comfort zone is exactly what it sounds like, places or situations where you feel comfortable in, while there is nothing wrong with comfort zones in order to expand our potential and succeed in life we sometimes have to move out of our comfort zone and into […]